My Completed Yardwork Project

Seeded Back Yard Island After Completed Work, Snellville, Georgia, July 2023

I know for many of you, yardwork is probably not a big deal, but for me, I enjoy doing yardwork; it is therapeutic for me to get outside, enjoy the outdoors, and do some manual labor. As long as I pace myself and don’t do too much all at once, I am in good shape. Long ago, I learned to “listen” to my body to have insight into how much I can take. And I tell you, that blistering summer heat and humidity here around Atlanta has literally made me melt into a pool of sweat on several days of working outside. Phew! I definitely make sure to stay hydrated, take breaks, and be self-motivated.

Back Yard Island Before Work, Snellville, Georgia, January 2023

I had a yardwork project in the works for the past six months that I finally completed. I hired some help along the way for the bigger parts of my project, but I completed the majority of the work myself. And, I have to say that I am very proud of myself. I divided my project up throughout the six month period of time, paced myself along the way, and actually took the time to enjoy doing some hard work outside. Included in this post are several before and after pictures of my project.

Grapevine Before Work, Snellville, Georgia, January 2023

In my yard and surrounding my home are many bushes, shrubs, azaleas, gardenias, and many types of flowers. Last winter, I paid for a landscaping crew to clean and polish things up, but I paid more than I wanted to and the crew was inconsistent. They generally did a good job, but on a couple of occasions, they left hours of clean-up for me that they were supposed to have done. They also were not interested in some of the “bigger” work, so I bought a mini chainsaw and borrowed my neighbor’s chainsaw, and did it myself – to a point.

Evergreen Shrubs During Work in Progress, Snellville, Georgia, February 2023

After completing what I felt comfortable with doing myself, I reached out to another landscaper who has a crew since I observed the excellent commercial work he completed for a friend. Knowing how difficult it is to find people who want to work, do a great job, and are affordable, I was willing to be patient and wait for him to fit me in on his time schedule sometime. I am one of the most positive and patient people anyone will ever meet, and so I really tried to wait, though I was ready for the work to be done. I wanted to give the landscaper my business, but after waiting for five months, following up several times, and receiving no firm commitment to a work date, I gave him a deadline that he could not meet. He was very kind and suggested that I find someone else, and so I did, but had really hoped he could have done the work for me. He and his crew are just very busy, and they likely have bigger jobs to handle than mine, which I understand.

Seeded Island After Evergreen Shrubs and Grapevine Removed, Snellville, Georgia, July 2023

As I say, it is difficult to find people who are basically willing to do the job that is desired – and have it be quality work that is also affordable. I, therefore, reached out to five other local companies – two were tree companies and three were landscapers. The owner of one tree company came out, was very experienced and professional, and gave me a very affordable and reasonable estimate. The owner of another tree company came out, and while he was professional, was inexperienced and gave me an estimate that was double the other company’s. One landscaping company waited several days before getting back to me, and I had already hired a different company for the work.

Large Red Bushes that I Cut Down and Removed – and Transplanted Azaleas in their Place, Snellville, Georgia, March, 2023

Another landscaping company was composed of Spanish-speakers, and while I communicated in my basic Spanish to provide my information, they did not call back. And, the last landscaping company wanted an extremely unreasonable amount of money for the work I proposed, so they were no longer a consideration even when they came down on their price. Therefore, I went with the first tree company that provided me the most reasonable price. And, while their contracted stump grinder did not complete all of the work that I paid for and I still ended up doing hours of work, myself, it was the best deal. The stump grinder left eight small to medium-sized stumps in my backyard island that I dug up, myself. It was grueling work, but I did it.

At any rate, I had a huge island in my back yard, composed of several towering butterfly bushes, large rose bushes, large azaleas (25 of which I transplanted), and many other bushes and flowers. I wanted to downsize that, and so I cut it all back during the winter months and took the brush to my local recycling center in many trips. The butterfly bushes were just too huge to transplant, but I did cut back the azaleas and transplanted nearly all of them to other locations in my yard. I know it would’ve broken my mom’s heart if I hadn’t done that, so I invested much effort and sweat into moving as much as I could to save them. My yard – especially my back yard – is literally Azalea Heaven, and is absolutely beautiful in Spring when the flowers are in bloom.

I also cut back and removed or transplanted several bushes and flower bulbs in a smaller island next to my driveway. The tree company that I hired cut down six evergreen shrubs that were not pleasing to the eye and which I never really liked very much. The stump grinder came in afterwards and ground up all of the medium stumps that were left behind. The tree company additionally took out a medium-sized maple tree in my front yard, and the stump was ground up for that, as well. I had also completed some earlier work, myself, in Spring when it was still cool, such as cutting down and removing two large, tall bushes in my front yard island, as well as removing a huge grapevine in the front, and hauling the brush to the recycling center, with the help of my kind, elderly neighbor.

Once all of that work was done, I went into each area with my heavy, metal-pronged rake, and smoothed out the soil and removed the roots and large pieces of mulch as much as I could before spreading grass seed. It has already been a couple of weeks, and my new grass in the front yard is coming up nicely. But, I used a different grass seed for the side and back yards that hasn’t “taken.” So, I ended up returning one unopened bag of the seed to Lowe’s and purchasing a different type of seed that I hope will grow better.

So, while yardwork is very enjoyable and therapeutic for me, I also enjoy the feeling of accomplishment of getting things done. I finally feel like – after six months – that things have shaped up nicely and are completed – at least for now. When you have a large yard and many trees, bushes, and flowers, it is a lot to keep up with and the yardwork can be never-ending if you let it. And, I can’t let it because my summer break from teaching is done for this year, and I am always busy with so many things. Therefore, it is also a relief that my yardwork project is completed and I can focus more on other things again – until the next time!

The Beautiful Great Smokies in July

My Son and I at the Observation Tower on Clingman’s Dome, Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina, July 2023

I have not taken a trip to the mountains for several years, since prior to COVID-19. So, at least 4-5 years have passed since I have been to the Great Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina and/or Tennessee. My son and I recently took the opportunity to travel to Bryson City and Cherokee to visit, reminisce, and enjoy the mountains.

Beautiful View from Observation Tower atop Clingman’s Dome, Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina, July 2023

When my son was younger, I often took him to the mountains to take in the beautiful scenery and for the cool train rides with the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad. Now that he has gotten older and our lives have changed with added responsibilities, there seems to be much less time for vacations – even short weekend getaways. However, having stayed in the mountains for a few days this month, it really reminds me how important it is to have a break more often.

The Tree Hugger, Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina, July 2023

On this most recent trip, we drove through the northern and southern sides of the Great Smoky Mountains, visited scenic Collins Creek, and trekked up to the observation tower atop Clingman’s Dome. In all of the times that I have visited the mountains, I have been to Clingman’s Dome, but had never hiked up to the observation tower before. On our previous trip to the mountains, we went there, but it was too late and about to be too dark to make it to the observation tower, so we missed out.

Scenic Collins Creek, Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina, July 2023

We made it a point, this time, to get there earlier in the day so we could navigate to the lookout tower and take it the amazing views! Clingman’s Dome is the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountains, with views of seven states, including North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, and Virginia on a clear day. It was a bit hazy on the day we were there so I doubt we saw seven states, but we certainly did have amazing views of far into the distance.

My Son and I Standing on the Highest Point of the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina, Clingman’s Dome, Great Smoky Mountains, July 2023

Just prior to reaching the observation tower, we also crossed the highest point in North Carolina of the Appalachian Trail. Therefore, I had two “firsts” on my visit to the mountains this time – I got to walk on a part of the Appalachian Trail, and I had the opportunity to see the amazing panoramic views from the observation tower atop Clingman’s Dome! How lucky I am to have done a couple of things that I have never done before. And, thankfully I have been doing some walking and exercising, so I was at least in some “shape” for the short, steep hike to the tower.

Horseback Ride with End of the Trail in Cherokee, North Carolina, July 2023 (Star’s Raised Tail Means he is “Proud”)

On our trip to the mountains, we also had a lovely horseback ride with Mr. Goodlow Bark, owner of End of the Trail horseback riding. Whenever we visit the mountains and stay for even a short length of time, we always try to fit in a horseback ride. We have had horseback rides with Bark and his horses for about 13 years now. In years past, our horses were Stormy and Tough, and presently, the horses we ride are Dreamer and Snowflake. Bark’s trusty horse, Patch, that he had for 24 years passed away last fall, and he now rides a horse that – coincidentally – looks very similar, Star – a beautiful white horse with large patches of black and brown. Bark always provides a nice horseback ride to us on his family-owned mountain in Cherokee; is consistently friendly, pleasant, and professional; and takes excellent care of his horses.

And so, our visit to the mountains is never long enough – and too much time passes before we get an opportunity to go back for more enjoyment! Hopefully, we can get back sometime in the fall for a train ride and to take in the beautiful fall colors. I certainly don’t want another four or five years to pass before getting back there again!

Creating and Maintaining a Positive Professional Network

Jennifer Fennell Speaking at Jackson Electric Membership Corporation, Lawrenceville, Georgia, July 7, 2023

This morning, I had the pleasure of attending a talk by Jennifer Fennell, District Manager of Jackson Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) in Lawrenceville, Georgia, through the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce. Fennell is a very energized, upbeat, and engaging speaker, and she explained how creating a positive network of professional connections can have a major impact on one’s life and professional direction.

It is obvious that Fennell is impassioned about her work, and she infused her energy and enthusiasm regarding professional growth to her audience. She definitely connected with the audience through her down-to-earth style and appealing message. Several attendees, including myself, were engaged throughout her presentation with comments, feedback, and humor, which she took in stride and integrated into her talk, thereby reaching and connecting with more people.

Fennell spoke of how an internship she did in her early 20s has helped to shape her career, particularly through many high-profile professional connections she made at that time. She stated that she has always gotten employment opportunities through people she has known in her network, thereby identifying how important one’s network can be. Fennell also encouraged people to be authentic in our work – to always be ourselves. She further shared her own personal list of leadership qualities that she lives by, including “showing up, being present, finding your people, advocating, and serving,” as well as everything that goes along with those actions.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Fennell during and after her presentation. Because I work during the day, I shared that I do not have many opportunities to attend professional or networking events during the day, and have more time in the evening. I encouraged for there to be more “after-hours” events, and Fennell challenged me to arrange my own event and make that happen to bring people together. A couple of ladies also reached out to me with information on events they are involved in that meet in the evenings that I plan on attending.

I have really enjoyed attending some of these Friday events held by the Chamber this summer. Most of the personal time I have available is during the summer, so I will miss being unable to continue attending more events held by the Chamber during the rest of the year. I plan on attending some evening events, and maybe sometime in the future when I have more time, I can put on my own talk – I already have a couple of topics in mind.

Tribute to my Parents

My parents with my son at age 1 in 2004

I have been thinking of my parents a bit more than usual, lately. Today, posthumously, marks their 60th wedding anniversary. My brother and I came along several years after they got married, and that’s probably a good thing since they were young when they got married. Living life gives us life experience, and if we take that in, heed it, learn from it, and try not to repeat the same mistakes again, it is a good thing. And so, I generally believe that is how my parents lived. Granted, they were not perfect – none of us are – but they tried their best, and I am better for it.

While my parents were living, I always let them know how much I loved them. I had a good relationship with my dad and a strained relationship with my mom, but they were always my parents and I always loved them, no matter what. I always recognize that I would not be where I am today without them, and I am the person who I am today because of them.

My parents always tried to “be there” for me, even when they weren’t. They definitely always tried to be there for my son, and be as loving and supportive as they could. My son is my parents’ only grandchild, and they moved from out-of-state to be closer to him, physically and emotionally, and I’m happy that they did. Had they not done that, I’m sure both the lives of my son and myself would have been different and likely worse. I recognize that and I always remember it and keep it in mind. I do not take it for granted, and I am always thankful for it.

I love my parents, and I miss them. I have tried my best to be a good daughter and a daughter they would be proud of. I certainly have my flaws – even though my son says I don’t have any (he’s so great!) – and I try to live my life in the best manner possible. I try to follow in my parents’ footsteps, but have not always been able to do so. My parents have been wonderful role models and guides in my life.

My parents were married nearly 55 years until my mom passed away. It was wonderful to witness and be a part of their love for each other. Their love conquered everything, and I observed that in many different ways and in their varied experiences with each other. They were truly made for each other. I wish I could experience in my life at least something similar to what they shared rather than feeling like the outsider looking in.

I am proud to be my parents’ daughter. I carry my name and heritage proudly. I do my best to continue to love, remember, honor, and keep my parents proud of me. I do my best to live morally, ethically, and “correctly,” even when it is extremely difficult and challenging to do, sometimes. I have my parents – always in my mind and heart – as my role models and guides. I think of them and remember them often, and always appreciate who they made me and how they supported me. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! I hope you are celebrating as my son and I remember and honor your memories today.

Fireworks in Snellville!

Fireworks in Snellville, Georgia, July 4, 2023

What a wonderful night it was on this July 4th to view the fireworks in Snellville, Georgia! As I recall, the fireworks are typically hosted by the large, twin churches in the city – the Baptist “Church on Main” and the United Methodist Church. Many years have passed since I last braved the crowds and nightmarish traffic to enjoy the fireworks, but it was a perfect night to do it this year!

Fireworks in Snellville, Georgia, July 4, 2023

We have had so much rain, lately, that I was concerned that the fireworks show would get rained out. However, storms passed through earlier in the day and the skies brightened up until about 9:30 PM when it began sprinkling. Thankfully, the fireworks show continued through the sprinkles. My young adult son and I enjoyed viewing about 20 minutes of fireworks in Snellville, and I also gave away a bunch of glow sticks to several families with young children, for their enjoyment.

Fireworks in Snellville, Georgia, July 4, 2023

I don’t think I have ever blogged before about Snellville’s amazing fireworks, so I am taking this opportunity to post about them. I have to say that – each year that I have attended Snellville’s fireworks show – I have always enjoyed it and have never been disappointed. The only fireworks show I have seen that is better than Snellville’s is at EPCOT at Walt Disney World – and I have seen that several times in past years. Last year, I had the pleasure of viewing the enjoyable fireworks show with my son on July 4th at Camp Rainey Mountain in Clayton, Georgia – Northeast Georgia Council’s premier Boy Scout Camp.

Fireworks in Snellville, Georgia, July 4, 2023

Often on July 4th, we are busy doing other things, out-of-town, or the fireworks show is rained out. I remember one year several years ago that I wanted to see the fireworks and it rained, heavily, all weekend – and there was no rain date, so we all missed the fireworks in Snellville that year. I think there had been talk about doing it on Labor Day that year, but nothing ever came of it, unfortunately.

Fireworks in Snellville, Georgia, July 4, 2023

The crowd in Snellville this year was not nearly as large as in previous years. I remember one decade and longer ago that there was no place to park at the Methodist Church unless you arrived several hours before the fireworks began. Today, there was plenty of space for parking – even when my son and I arrived later in the evening just prior to the fireworks starting. I was surprised that there were not more people, although the traffic was still a nightmare getting out of there after the event.

Fireworks in Snellville, Georgia, July 4, 2023

Included herein are several pictures that I took of the beautiful fireworks from Snellville’s Independence Day Celebration. Some of them are a bit blurry either because the camera on my phone did not focus or due to my son messing with me and jiggling my arm as I was taking pictures. I’m so happy that my son went with me to enjoy the fireworks this evening. I just generally don’t go see the fireworks by myself; I feel like it’s not worth navigating the crowds just for me.

Fireworks in Snellville, Georgia, July 4, 2023

At any rate, I would guess that eight or 10 years have passed since my son and I last went to see the fireworks in Snellville, and I recall that my son and I went with my parents, as well. It brought back some great memories of my parents for my son and I to go and watch the fireworks this evening. My dad and mom would always be active in whatever they could when it involved my son – their only grandchild. I definitely miss them, though I’m sure their spirits are happy to know we got out and viewed some amazing fireworks in Snellville tonight – and got home safely afterwards!