A Visit to the State Botanical Garden of Georgia in Athens

Me in Front of the Fountain Pool, State Botanical Garden of Georgia in Athens, April 17, 2024

On Wednesday, April 17, 2024, I had the pleasure to participating in an event for my work by visiting the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. I had never gone to this Botanical Garden before, which is located in Athens, Georgia and is part of the University of Georgia.

Beautiful Flowers at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, April 17, 2024

For people who are familiar with that area, they likely know that the Botanical Garden is a community jewel. But, when you live on the side of town that is a bit closer to Atlanta, you don’t hear or read about these treasures quite so much.

Inside the Botanical Building at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, April 17, 2024

I am so happy I got to go to the Botanical Garden and participate in activities related to my work event! It is always so lovely to get out of the house and talk with and meet people!

Statue in the Statue Area, State Botanical Garden of Georgia, April 17, 2024

Due to the nature of my work, I don’t get a chance to do that nearly often enough. Therefore, it was very refreshing and re-energizing to take in all of the sights, sounds, scenery, and interactions afforded to me in this beautiful venue for the event.

More Statues at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, April 17, 2024

It was also a beautiful day for the event. The weather was sunny and mildly hot at 82 degrees Fahrenheit, but bearable. Most of my time was spent talking and interacting with people, which I absolutely loved. Plus, I was indoors where it was more comfortable and was in a room with a wall of windows – it was great!

State Botanical Garden of Georgia in Athens, April 17, 2024

Although I did not get a chance to see or tour the entire grounds of the Botanical Garden, I took in as much as I could while I was there and before things got busy. I hope you enjoy some pictures that I’ve included here in my post.

State Botanical Garden of Georgia, April 17, 2024

If you haven’t visited the State Botanical Garden of Georgia in Athens, I encourage you to make plans and go. It is well worth the trip!

Happy Easter

Spring Phase Female Lune Moth, Peachtree Corners, Georgia, March 30, 2024

Just a quick message for today to say Happy Easter if you celebrate it! I saw this beautiful female Luna moth in a brighter green Spring phase yesterday. The Summer phase is a much lighter and duller green. She was a beauty. I know God intended me to see and enjoy her yesterday because, as I was on a walk, my eyes were fixated directly on her from quite a distance away. It was really funny. I guess I have the eagle eye for beauties like these. I hope you enjoy the pretty Easter Luna!

Sunday Morning Birds and Musings

Bluebirds at the Birdhouse, Retrieved on March 24, 2024 from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/538039486718301947/

I wasn’t going to write today. In fact, I wasn’t going to write for awhile. I felt like I needed a break. There has been too much that I have allowed to weigh on my mind lately, and it hasn’t been all that good. Sometimes, things get to be too much, especially when dealing with everything oneself. I have been experiencing a Crisis of Fulfillment lately, and have been struggling with it, but doing my best to overcome it.

But then, I was eating my late breakfast this fine Sunday morning at my table next to my picture window that overlooks my backyard, and I changed my mind about not wanting to write. The reason I changed my mind was because of the birds. The beautiful birds. The birds uplifted my spirit enough to write about them.

So, as I gazed out my picture window at my beautiful blooming cherry tree and two red Japanese maples that are already fully leafed while eating my breakfast this morning, I saw a pair of bluebirds around the bluebird house that is next to the maples. When I downsized much of my backyard botanical vegetation last year, I kept one birdhouse for the bluebirds. Although it is not in very good shape, they still use it.

I enjoy watching my birds in the backyard…or front yard…or where ever they may be. Then, as I was observing the bluebirds, busy at work building their nest in the birdhouse, I saw a female cardinal fly to the large rose bush next to my picture window with her beak full of dead grassy fluff. She hopped up into the higher part of the bush and placed her nesting material into her nest, and off she went to get more, returning shortly thereafter with a beak full of small twigs.

It is Spring, the birds are nesting, and another season is preparing for the advent of new life. When I was thinking about this and observing the birds busy at work preparing for the arrival of their new families, I was happy for them. It is inspiring and uplifting for me to watch the birds. The birds remind me of life, love, partnership, and commitment. The birds are nature’s biology and instincts truly at work.

Knowing that the birds are busy nesting, I will now have to keep watch as best as I can for the neighborhood cats and hawks that eat baby birds. Sometimes, I am successful at protecting the birds, and other times, not. It sometimes just depends on how vigilant we are of each other. Even the blue birds were dive-bombing a gray squirrel perched atop the arbor near the birdhouse the other day to keep it away. I understand cats, hawks, and squirrels need to eat too, but not my baby birds!

Further still, as I was thinking about all this, I was happy that the birds are partnered with and have each other. A few years ago, I can still picture in my mind the fond memories of an impressive bluebird pair that raised five young in a birdhouse that I’ve since taken down. Mom was constantly on the nest until the birds hatched, and then she began bringing food to them. What I was really impressed by, however, was the male bluebird. He was large for a bluebird, very bright blue, and so pretty. He flew back and forth, back and forth, all day long bringing bugs and worms, and removing the babies’ excrement from the nest.

The beautiful male bluebird was just nonstop all day long, every day until the babies were old enough to fly away. It was truly incredible to watch the power of commitment, dedication, and instinct at work in him. Once the five babies successfully left the bird house and flew off, we understood why Mom and Dad were so constantly, constantly busy. We hadn’t known how many young they had until they all left the birdhouse. It was truly beautiful and amazing to observe!

And then, all of this got me thinking further about what it would be like to have such a committed and loyal partner. What would it be like to have a partner who you could trust to take care of the kid(s) when you were just too spent? What would it be like if your spouse went to get groceries because you just weren’t feeling up to it? What would it be like if you were very sick and couldn’t get an appointment at your doctor who is five minutes away, so you are sent to another location 45 minutes away, and your spouse could drive you instead of sickly having to force yourself to do it?

What would it be like if your spouse could do the dishes, take care of the laundry, do some cleaning, run the vacuum, mow the lawn, take the car for repairs, pay the bills…the list goes on…when you don’t want to do it and don’t have the energy to do it, but know it still needs to be done? And Heaven forbid there is some large crisis that comes up, and no one is there for you, and you still have to handle it. What would it be like if someone loving, committed, and loyal was there with you and for you?

As I ask these questions, I know the answers. All I have to do is watch the birds. The birds are there for each other. They have each other. Life is life. You get what you get, or not. That is the way it is. I know there are birds and other animals that lose partners, parents, or young too. Whether they get eaten by other animals, get hit by a car, or have their habitat removed, I know life is not always the best for them either. Life in the wild is truly wild. We all have to make the best of it. We have to roll with it.

Life can be a feast or famine. When we have a feast, it is nice to enjoy it, but also remember to save away for the famine (whether physically, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally), because it will come in some form or fashion someday – and sometimes in more ways than one, as I have experienced. And when it comes, we hope and pray that we will be ready to weather it. It is definitely a survival of the fittest.

These are some of the things that the birds got me to thinking about today on this fine Sunday morning. It is also good to remember to be thankful for what I have, that I can eat a relaxing breakfast on one day of the week, and enjoy watching the birds.

Spring has Sprung

Pink Camelia in my Yard, Snellville, Georgia, March 15, 2024

Spring has sprung, and many beautiful flowers, blossoms, leaf buds, and leaves are out in my area now. I have really been taking it in and enjoying it as much as possible whenever I step outside, especially before the pollen hits full-force. I took several pictures last Friday (which I’m also posting here) and shared them with some colleagues at work to generate discussion about Spring, shake off the winter chill, and think about the nicer weather. It’s so nice to see Spring at our doorsteps again.

Red Camelias in my Yard, Snellville, Georgia, March 15, 2024

I also wanted to take a moment to post these pictures so I could come back in the future and remember all of these pretties. Last week, the temperatures were very warm here in Georgia, but tonight (March 18), the chill is again in the air and temperatures will plummet close to freezing. I’m glad that I took some pictures and have enjoyed my blossoms as much as I can before the potentially frosty or freezing weather harms them.

White Azalea Flowers in my Yard, Snellville, Georgia, March 15, 2024

I have many different varieties of flowers, shrubs, and trees in my yard. A couple of people have described it as a botanical garden, and a handful of neighbors have gotten azaleas and dogwood trees from my family and I in past years. I do have to brag that my yard is truly the prettiest of anyone’s in my neighborhood due to all of the beautiful flowers and trees. It is definitely a lot of work to take care of all these lovelies, and I actually downsized a bit last year because it was so much.

Cherry Blossoms on my Cherry Tree, Snellville, Georgia, March 15, 2024

One thing I’m very happy about is that all of my camelias blossomed this year. I was concerned that they wouldn’t after the Polar Vortex that came through during the winter. After all, last year, my camelias did not blossom at all for the entire year as a result of the bitterly cold Polar Vortex that stunted them that winter. The camelias are so pretty, and I really missed them. I kept hoping they would blossom last year, but they didn’t show themselves at all. I’m definitely celebrating their return to blossoming again this year.

One of the Last Daffodils of the Season in my Yard, Snellville, Georgia, March 15, 2024

I have also already seen several butterflies flying around my yard at the flowers. The first Tiger Swallowtail that I saw was on March 8, and that was even before there were any leaves out on the trees. It hatched a bit early with the warm weather, so it likely wasn’t around for very long, though it was nice to see. Since then, I’ve seen several Tiger Swallowtails, and they have mostly been hanging around my blossoming cherry tree which is in full bloom right now. Last week, I also saw a couple of other butterflies such as a Brown Skipper and Cloudless Sulphur flying about, enjoying the sunshine.

Mini Daffodils in my Yard, Snellville, Georgia, March 15, 2024

At any rate, included here are pictures of various blossoms of flowers in my yard. Enjoy!

On Getting Older

Older and Younger Hands Holding Each Other, Retrieved on March 10, 2024 from https://www.cindyholmreflexology.com/single-post/2018/03/30/how-reflexology-benefits-seniors

Aging and getting older is something that happens to all of us. Every day that passes is another one that adds to our age. I have had a few years to think about what it means to get older. Perhaps I sometimes have too much time to think about these things. Even so, before you know it, it is something that just happens. And, you realize that you are likely in the last one-third of you life.

I was thinking about this and more today during my walk in the beautiful outdoors. In the midst of my walk, I saw my neighbor standing and waiting for me to pass as I completed another lap around one end of my street. My neighbor is a kind man who is elderly, widowed, and disabled. He has lived alone for the past couple of years now, and his truck recently broke down. I had let him know last week that I could take him to the grocery store if he needed to get some food, and today, he took me up on that. He has helped me in the past with some of my yardwork, so I was happy to be of assistance to him. Sunday is just about the only day of the week that I can drop everything for someone, so it really worked out well. I can’t do that all the time.

While talking with my neighbor and taking him to the grocery store, I further thought about aging and getting older. In 30 years – if I make it that far – I will be his age. Current life expectancy for American women is 77 years old, and dropping. The average age of both of my parents when they died in the past few years was about 76. And, the average age of my four grandparents when they passed away was 70. Averaging the ages of my mother and two grandmothers at their deaths, I get 81. While there are many medical breakthroughs and new technologies out there that may help prolong life, there are also many risk factors and stressors, as well. Will I even make it to 77 or beyond?

Therefore, when I think about it, I really am likely in the last one-third of my life. And so, I need to continue to make the best of it, whether with or without a partner. When I look at my neighbor, I may try to aim to live longer than him, but the likelihood and/or reality that I will may be different than my goal. So, maybe I do need to refocus my time, efforts, and energies on other thoughts, actions, and endeavors. Stop chasing something that isn’t going to happen. You can’t force something to happen that won’t, and you can’t change something that can’t be changed.

[Author’s Note: Deleted four paragraphs from original post.]

Friday Night Faith, Family, and Friends

Stations of the Cross at St. John Neumann Church, Lilburn, Georgia, March 9, 2024

My son and I did something different this evening. It was refreshing and energizing to go to St. John Neumann Church in Lilburn, Georgia for the Friday evening Lenten fish fry and attend the Stations of the Cross. My son is home for Spring Break this week, and I had wanted to do something together with him. He and I haven’t been to church in awhile because our lives are oh so busy. Sometimes, it just feels like it’s nonstop. But, I made sure to plan in advance and remind him about it so we could get there. We don’t have many opportunities to attend church and/or church events together anymore, and this was the perfect opportunity.

At the fish fry, I saw two old friends who I hadn’t seen to speak with in more than one decade. We were involved in the church school and Boy Scout troop together. But then, life took my son and I on a different path, and I haven’t seen them in so long. It was nice to catch up, reminisce, talk about our families, and share pictures of our now adult children. How time passes much too fast!

Stations of the Cross at St. John Neumann Church, Lilburn, Georgia, March 8, 2024

After dinner, we attended the Stations of the Cross service. It has been many years since I have gone to such a service, and it was renewing. I went with the intention of relaxing and taking it in, trying to enjoy the peacefulness and remembrance for what it was. Sometimes, there are so many things that I have to do all the time that I seem to just check off my mental checklist. Tonight, I just went to enjoy the dinner and the service, and not feel like I needed to “check” anything off of my list. It was nice to just take it all in and enjoy the experience. I also ran into another old friend after the service whose now adult daughter I knew from Vacation Bible Study and our kids’ Sunday School group. I haven’t seen people in so long!

So, this was definitely a rare occasion that I could go to church and attend a church event. It was even more of a rare occasion to be able to go together especially with my son, or even anyone at all. We used to attend church regularly – weekly – but living and surviving has taken precedence; even my son said it has been too long since we have attended church. Friends, religious, and other folks I am familiar with may look a little older with a little more gray, but they are still the same people and still doing the same good works of service for others.

Getting out to church tonight reinforced in me just how much my life has changed throughout the years. People may not speak much or at all when attending Mass, but it is nice to be reminded that familiar people still speak and appreciate each other at church events other than Mass. That is something I have seriously missed and needed to experience, and I am thankful for it.

Celebrating Women on International Women’s Day, and Everyday

Women, Retrieved on March 8, 2024 from https://depositphotos.com/photos/business-women-group.html

In case you hadn’t noticed, it is International Women’s Day! Happy International Women’s Day! It is nice to have a special day for women to be recognized and celebrated. We have many days on our calendar that celebrate mothers, grandmothers, Valentines, and so on. However, I’m sure there are many women who don’t “fit” into those types of categories, so it is nice to have a day set aside for women.

I took some time to celebrate and be happy today, if not for International Women’s Day, then just for myself. There had been a couple of things that had been causing me some stress lately, and I had to take the time to recognize that and transform my thinking. I try to be a positive person, and I had to remind myself to be thankful, grateful, and positive. I needed to remember to be happy for the little things. It was necessary for me to remember and be happy with what I have rather than with what I don’t have.

We all have lots of responsibilities, and sometimes those responsibilities, along with added and/or unnecessary stress, causes burdens to build up. Sometimes, work becomes routine, and it is important to mix things up. Sometimes, everything looks the same, bland, and monotonous. Sometimes, we get worn out, burned out, and lose the joy in things. We have to remember to take time for self-care and do something kind for ourselves. It is important to recognize when too much is too much. Sometimes, all life has to do is throw in illness, injury (whether physical or mental), or unexpected expense in the mix, and our lives are thrown out of whack. And sometimes, we have to roll with it, but recognize it and not let it overtake us. It is important to see it and do our best to bounce back.

Today is International Women’s Day, and it was a good day for me. Most days are good days for me, but it’s nice when things go smoothly and proceed well and everything seems to fall into place. I know much of that is related to my attitude, outlook, and perspective. If I was negative, miserable, worried, and upset about things, everything would be a chore and nothing would be fun or enjoyable. Psychological research has shown that the two best things people can do for ourselves is to think positively, such as by telling oneself daily affirmations, and surrounding oneself with a positive support system. This is really so true. I do my best to encourage, support, and promote it. Being positive, while also being realistic, is very beneficial to a person’s mental health.

Being positive and trying to surround myself with a positive support system definitely benefits me, as a woman who has so many responsibilities that I can’t even count. Sometimes, they are so much that I just want a break and to get away from it all, but I try to stay positive, focused, and motivated, lean on my faith, and reach out to other supportive people when I can. International Women’s Day is a day to remind myself to do that even more. God made me intelligent, strong, positive, motivated, and resilient. I believe in myself that I can do it and God walks with me every step of the way in support and guidance.

So, on this day that isn’t recognized very much and that people generally don’t seem to talk about, take a moment to remember, recognize, and celebrate women. And, thank you to those who have! Take time to say or do something kind for a woman in your life or even a woman you don’t know. And, even more importantly, take time to recognize and celebrate women – and each other – everyday. You never know the world of difference it may make in someone’s life!

The Lord is my Shepherd

Jesus with His Sheep, Retrieved on March 1, 2024 from https://thelordismyshepherd.medium.com/god-salvation-for-mankind-60e769357dc5

I needed to start my day off with this today:

Psalm 23, Retrieved on March 1, 2024 from https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2023&version=KJV:

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”

Have a good day.

You Have to Care

Caring for the Hurt Heart, Retrieved on February 27, 2024 from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/life-refracted/201708/52-ways-show-i-love-you-caring-and-caregiving and johnhain/Pixabay

I have been trying to make at least weekly blog posts more recently to help keep my mind occupied and to fulfill my craving for writing as an enjoyable pastime. It has taken me a few days to think of a good topic to write about for this week, and something that I won’t think less of later and delete. Of course, I always have ideas for topics to write about, but I also like to think about what readers may potentially be interested in, as well as to share a story that may benefit someone else or that someone else may learn from.

Therefore, for this week, I have decided to write about the topic of caring. Certainly, it may not be a very important topic for some people, but for me, caring is something I do each and every day. Sometimes I care so much that it hurts. I care about myself. I care about others. I care about what I do, what I say, the manner in which I behave, how I come across to others, and how well I may “read” or analyze others, as well as situations. I have always been that person who must also take care not to overanalyze people or situations, as well. Sometimes, it is better to take things just as they appear on the surface and not read in too much, or it can make you crazy. And, that is definitely not worth it as I learned long ago.

I recently spoke with a group of teens in a healthcare setting, and one teen girl of approximately 14 years old very openly spoke about her background and experiences. It was refreshing to take in her bravery and courage in explaining some of the painful things she had experienced in her life, as I also drew out of her as much as she was comfortable with sharing. She basically shared that hers had been a life of emotional pain in which her parents were either not involved with her and/or led her in such a direction as to eliminate themselves from her life. Of course, I expressed my support and sympathy to her, but didn’t dwell on things. Thankfully, the girl additionally stated that she had at least one extended family member in her life who cares about her.

It is important to me that I ask others in certain settings where I can if they love themselves. It is so important to truly, genuinely, and sincerely love oneself. I never really learned to start loving myself in a way that was caring and supportive until I was around age 25. So, when I asked this girl if she loved herself, I must say that I was surprised and happy that she responded that she did, especially after all that she had experienced. But, what came next was interesting and touching to me, and I addressed it with her.

What this young lady stated next was that she didn’t care about anything. While she loved herself, she didn’t “care” about herself. Well, that was my opportunity right there. I took the opportunity not only to speak directly to her, but also to address the entire group as a whole. I let them know they HAVE TO care. They have to care. This particular girl, of all people, I stated in a nice way, had life experiences to know that it was very important that she care for and about herself. She has already experienced this world to be a harsh place, as I stated to her and the group. And this world can definitely and unfortunately be very harsh, however you HAVE TO care because other people out there in the world will not necessarily care about you. I stated that you cannot expect the outside world to feel sorry for you. You HAVE TO care. I was very insistent, adamant, and passionate about this. What did I just say? You HAVE TO care. I further stated that while they may not realize it, the decisions they make now can affect the rest of their lives. I shared that I was their age once, and I have experienced that. Therefore, decisions they make about whether or not to care influence their lives.

This is something I have learned and that I practice. You have to care. If you don’t care, who else will? If you don’t do something, who else will? I am often the first person in any type of group situation or work situation to take action or speak up about something. Sometimes, I have to restrain myself to give others an opportunity. I try to take initiative, to be positive, to make the best of something – if not for myself, for others. I don’t mind putting myself out there and looking like an idiot. I really don’t care (oops, I should care!). Sometimes, it just takes someone to do something first for others to feel comfortable or confident. I learned long ago that it doesn’t really matter what other people think of me. At the end of the day, I have to live with myself. I have to love and care about myself. I have to have done my best, sometimes more than my best. If I haven’t, I am the one to have to live with the regrets. And, I don’t want the regrets. I would rather put myself out there and potentially appear as though I am foolish rather than not say or do anything at all.

I would like to think that I am not the typical cookie in the cookie jar. Of people I have known or met in my life, I am that person who will do my best to be brave and courageous, and who will step up to something. I saw a lot of myself in the girl who spoke in the group of teens. I saw her bravery and courage. I also saw the pain that she was carrying and trying to heal. And, I hope that what I said to her and to the group had some impact, and hopefully, a positive impact. She seemed to take it in. Everyone appeared to be listening, even the ones with the “toughest” exteriors.

So, have I made it clear? I hope so. You have to care. You HAVE TO care. If you don’t care, who else will? If you don’t step up, who else will? If you don’t say something, who else will? If you aren’t there, who else will be? I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but thankfully, I wasn’t born yesterday. And, I try to learn from my mistakes and life experiences. One major thing that life has taught me is obviously that you have to care and you have to do things, otherwise there may be no one who will care and things may never get done. Hopefully, my message has been resounding in this post about the importance of caring. Everything and everyone matters, including yourself, even if we may think otherwise. Therefore, you have to care.

Stay Home when you’re Sick

Chicken Noodle Soup, Retrieved on February 8, 2024 from https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/chicken-noodle-soup-bowl

I haven’t been really sick for almost two years. I have worked really hard to stay healthy since getting COVID-19 almost two years ago. Well, I attended a lovely dinner with 100s of people last weekend, and yes, I am one of the lucky ones to get sick. Thankfully, it’s not COVID, but it feels pretty close to it. I can keep food down, but I have everything else going on that comes with the flu. It is no fun. I haven’t missed being sick, not in the least bit!

I am a person who rarely takes time off, so to have to take more than a day off from work this week due to being ill is unheard of for me. I wish folks would think more about others and how spreading their illness negatively effects others. I definitely follow my own advice when it comes to illness, “Stay home when you’re sick.” Or, at least, if you have to go out when you’re ill, stay covered.

You may not realize it, but COVID is still going around – in whatever umpteenth mutation it is in now. The flu, colds, and other respiratory illnesses are also going around. One can never be too careful, as I was rudely reminded of this week. Generally, when I go out, I still stay covered and wear a mask. It caught up with me this week, and knocked me right out.

Sometimes, people don’t realize how much spreading their illness negatively effects others. You never know who is a cancer survivor, who is immunocompromised, or who is more susceptible to acquiring illnesses. Someone can appear to be the healthiest person, but you just never know. That is why I generally play it safe instead of being sorry. Apparently, I needed to be reminded of how important it still is to be safe and stay covered.

I am writing this post because, obviously, it touched a nerve to get sick. I have been healthy for so long. I have many responsibilities and more than 100 people who rely on me on any given day. As a divorced, single parent, I can’t be sick. My son and people I work with count on me. It is upsetting to be unable to fulfill my duties and roles as a result of illness. Thankfully, I have a ton of sick days built up because I purposely don’t use them, and I save them for times such as this when they are absolutely needed.

Now, I could blame whoever it was who passed me their flu germs, however it has now been ingrained even more in me how important it still is to stay covered. In places where there are dinners, large gatherings, and many people in close proximity with each other – and plates, glasses, and utensils that may not be the most sanitary – I will remember to stay covered. Otherwise, I risk the alternative of “paying an extra cost” of becoming ill, as my pharmacist jokingly shared with me today.

Ultimately, it really is no joke, however. You can get every vaccination there is, and still become ill. I know this because it has happened to me. Further, I have a colleague – Anthony – who died three years ago when he was exposed to COVID-19 that was passed to him from someone else. He was such a friendly man and gave thanks to God for every day. He never knew a stranger; everyone was his friend. He had asthma and heart issues, and when he got COVID, it took his life quickly. His wife is a nurse, and they have a young son; now, sadly, we all have only the memories of him and his kindness.

At the end of the day, I would rather look silly and be safe and healthy by staying covered than experience the alternative when people don’t stay home when they’re sick. When I pass by people in the grocery store who laugh or look at me sideways for continuing to stay covered, I am just thinking to myself that I would much rather protect myself and be safe than become ill again. It is no fun to be sick, it throws my whole life out of whack when I’m sick, and it has an unintended negative effect on others for whom I am responsible.

So, while you all are out there doing what needs to be done in your lives while being healthy, I am at home eating my chicken noodle soup, drinking my tea with honey, taking meds, and resting up so I can get back to my life and doing what I do best. All I ask is to please think of others before you go out and spread your germs if you are ill. For some, like Anthony, it could mean the difference between life and death. (Anthony, Brother, rest in peace.) Therefore, stay home when you’re sick.